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Page values for "“Her soul has been summoned to that better sphere” (eleanorporden.com)"

"Links" values

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FieldField typeAllowed valuesValue
titleText“Her soul has been summoned to that better sphere”
authorsList of String, delimiter: ,[[Sam Pope]]
description_csTextPodrobný popis posledních chvil Eleanor Anne Franklinové, rozené Pordenové, která zemřela na tuberkulózu krátce po odjezdu jejího manžela Johna Franklina na jeho druhou arktickou výpravu.
description_enTextA detailed account of the last moments of Eleanor Anne Franklin, née Porden, who died of tuberculosis shortly after her husband John Franklin's departure for his second Arctic expedition.
langList of Text, delimiter: cs · en · de · fr · es · sk · pl · ruen
categoryList of Text, delimiter: ,blog article
pageList of Page, delimiter: #Eleanor Anne Porden