Z Franklinova expedice
Hlavní články: Knihy a Přehled českojazyčné franklinovské literatury
Stránky v kategorii „Knihy“
Zobrazuje se 123 stránek z celkového počtu 123 stránek v této kategorii.
- A Chronological History of Voyages Into the Arctic Regions
- A Frenchman in Search of Franklin: de Bray's Arctic Journal, 1852-54
- Kniha:A History of Polar Exploration in 50 Objects (2024)
- A narrative of Arctic discovery
- A Paper on the lost Polar Expedition and possible recovery of its scientific documents
- A Short Narrative of the Second Voyage of the Prince Albert, in Search of Sir John Franklin
- Kniha:A Short Narrative of the Second Voyage of the Prince Albert, in Search of Sir John Franklin (1853)
- A Summer Search for Sir John Franklin: With a Peep Into the Polar Basin
- A Voyage of Discovery Towards the North Pole – Performed in His Majesty's Ships Dorothea and Trent, under the Command of Captain David Buchan, R.N. 1818
- Kniha:After the Lost Franklin Expedition (2020)
- An Arctic Voyage to Baffin's Bay and Lancaster Sound
- An auto-biographical memoir of Sir John Barrow
- Arctic Expedition: Further Correspondence and Proceedings Connected with the Arctic Expedition...
- Arctic expeditions from British and foreign shores from the earliest to the present time
- Arctic Expeditions: A Lecture Delivered at the London Institution, February 6, 1850
- Kniha:Arctic Hell-Ship (2007)
- Kniha:Arctic Labyrinth (2010)
- Arctic searching expedition: a journal of a boat-voyage through Rupert's Land and the Arctic Sea...
- Kniha:Arctic Spectacles (2007)
- Kniha:As affecting the fate of my absent husband (2009)
- Kniha:At the Edge (2018)
- Famous voyagers and explorers
- Kniha:Fatal Passage (2001)
- Kniha:Finding Franklin (2016)
- Kniha:Franklin (2009)
- Franklin Era in Canadian Arctic History, 1845-1859
- Kniha:Franklin's Fate (2019)
- Franklin's Footsteps: A Sketch of Greenland Along the Shores of which His Expedition Passed, and of the Parry Isles, where the Last Traces of it Were Found
- Kniha:Franklin's Lost Ship (2015)
- Frozen In Time: The Fate of The Franklin Expedition
- Kniha:James Fitzjames (2010)
- Kniha:John Rae, Arctic Explorer (2019)
- Kniha:John Rae’s Arctic Correspondence (2014)
- Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North-west Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific
- Journal of H.M.S. Enterprise, on the expedition in search of Sir John Franklin's ships by Behring Strait, 1850-55
- Journey into Ice: John Franklin and the Northwest Passage
- Kniha:Lady Franklin’s Revenge (2005)
- Lieut. John Irving, R.N. of H.M.S. "Terror" in Sir John Franklin's last expedition to the Arctic regions: a memorial sketch with letters
- Kniha:Lines in the Ice (2016)
- Kniha:Loss and Cultural Remains in Performance (2012)
- Kniha:Lost Beneath the Ice (2013)
- Kniha:Lost! (2009)
- Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the Years 1819-20-21-22
- Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea, in the Years 1825, 1826, and 1827
- Narrative of a second voyage in search of a north-west passage, and of a residence in the Arctic regions during the years 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833
- Narrative of an expedition to the shores of the Arctic Sea, in 1846 and 1847
- Narrative of Some Passages in the History of Van Diemen's Land: During the Last Three Years of Sir John Franklin's Administration of its Government
- Kniha:No Earthly Pole (2020)
- Papers and despatches relating to the Arctic searching expeditions of 1850-51-52
- Parliamentary Papers 1848, Artic Expedition
- Parliamentary Papers 1849, Artic Expedition
- Parliamentary Papers 1851, Correspondence and Papers in relation to the Arctic Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin...
- Parliamentary Papers 1854, Papers relative to the Recent Artic Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin...
- Pictorial Chronicles of the Mighty Deep
- Kniha:Polar Imperative (2011)
- Kniha:Polaris (2016)
- Přehled českojazyčné franklinovské literatury
- Schwatka's Search: Sledging in the Arctic in Quest of the Franklin Records
- Kniha:Searching for Franklin (2023)
- Kniha:Searching for Franklin and the North-West Passage (2011)
- Second in Command
- Kniha:Seek the Frozen Lands (2013)
- Sir John Franklin and the Arctic Regions: A Narrative, Showing the Progress of British Enterprise for the Discovery of the North-west Passage During the Nineteenth Century
- Sir John Franklin's Last Arctic Expedition
- Sir John Franklin, The True Secret of the Discovery of His Fate
- Kniha:Sir John Franklin’s Erebus and Terror Expedition (2017)
- Strangers Among Us
- Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal
- Kniha:Tajuplné a tragické břehy (2001)
- Ten months among the tents of the Tuski, with incidents of an Arctic boat expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, as far as the Mackenzie river, and Cape Bathurst
- Kniha:The Ambitions of Jane Franklin (2013)
- Kniha:The Arctic Fox (2004)
- The Arctic Grail: The Quest for the Northwest Passage and The North Pole, 1818-1909
- Kniha:The Arctic Journals of John Rae (2012)
- The carreer, last voyage and fate, of Captain Sir John Franklin
- Kniha:The Franklin Conspiracy (2001)
- The Franklin expedition, from first to last
- Kniha:The Land Was Always Used (2024)
- The lands of silence, a history of Arctic and Antarctic exploration
- The last of the Arctic voyages
- The life of Sir John Franklin, R.N.
- The Life, Diaries, and Correspondence of Jane Lady Franklin 1792 – 1875
- Kniha:The Man Who Ate His Boots (2010)
- The North-West Passage and the fate of Sir John Franklin
- The North-West Passage: And the Plans for the Search for Sir John Franklin
- Kniha:The Search for Franklin (2023)
- The Search For Franklin, A narrative of the American expedition under lieutenant Schwatka, 1878-1880
- The U.S. Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin: A personal narrative
- The voyage of the "Fox" in Arctic seas: a narrative of the discovery of the fate of Sir John Franklin and his companions
- The voyages and travels of Captains Ross, Parry, Franklin and Mr. Belzoni, forming an interesting history of the manners, customs and characters of various nations
- Kniha:Tracking the Franklin Expedition of 1845 (2023)
Soubory v kategorii „Knihy“
Zobrazují se 2 soubory z celkového počtu 2 souborů v této kategorii.
- Parliamentary Papers Arctic-1851.pdf ; 11,96 MB
- Pictorial-chronicles-franklin.pdf ; 3,67 MB