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Northumberland House

Z Franklinova expedice

Verze z 11. 4. 2021, 14:36, kterou vytvořil Radouch (diskuse | příspěvky) (lepší citát)

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Northumberland House byl dřevěný dům, postavený na Beecheyho ostrově v roce 1852 posádkou lodi HMS North Star (součásti Belcherovy expedice).

Zřejmě první zmínka o něm je ve zprávě komandéra Williama Pullena, velitele HMS North Star, pro britskou admiralitu z 21. března 1853, v níž k datu 2. září 1852 uvádí:

16. I got back to the ship on the 2nd of September, and to my surprise found all the ice in the bay had cleared out, very nearly, as the master informed me, taking the " North Star" with it. A copy of his report I forward, ( see enclo-sure. D.) Mr. M'Cormick had not returned, and the house which had been com-menced just after I left, was in a good state of forwardness but on finding there was not material sufficient to complete it on so large a scale, we were obliged to reduce it. I t is situated on the S.E. side of the island, sheltered from the cold N. and N.W. winds, and commanding a good view of the entrance of the bay. The first dimensions were 60 x 30. it is now 30 x 25 and in the fid-hole of one of the " M`Lellan's" topmasts in the N.W. corner, a record relating to its establishment, with a few coins, were deposited. I gave it the name of North-umberland House, in honour of his Grace. the first Lord of the Admiralty.

Autor: LawrieM, převzato z Wikimedia Commons.

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